Thursday, September 4, 2014

About the Author

Photo by Sally Cushnie

Ken Hulme spent most of his working career as a Science and Technical Writer, although he also "did time" as a forester, photographer/darkroom technician and tobacconist.  Along the way he also wrote several hundred non-fiction magazine articles, small books, and the first textbook on Desktop Publishing.  He still writes a weekly food blog, is working on other fiction (historical and science fiction), and works as a Personal Chef creating gourmet cuisine for clients around Southwest Florida.

His hobbies include playing the mountain dulcimer, kayaking/canoeing, snorkeling, archery and bowbuilding.  Also attending Scottish Society activities, and reading voraciously.

Love this photo by my Lady Sally

He lives aboard a 26 ft sailboat named Man Cave, in Fort Myers, FL, and spends long weekends with his Lady Sally.

s/v Man Cave at home at the Fort Myers City Yacht Basin

My Lady Sally

My inspiration!  Friend, partner, lover, and the best thing that ever happened to me!

Clinical Pharmacist by profession... watercolor painter by avocation.


  1. Hi Mr Hulme...I am trying to find the Ken S. Hulme who wrote the LITTLE BILL, 1990 : AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES FROM A SAILOR'S LIFE book...would that be you? Please contact me. Thanks. Susan

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, Susan, that was me. "Little Bill" was my Great-great Grandfather. My regular email is
